Sunday, September 23, 2012

Anxiously Awaiting Baby

I know everyone one tells you to enjoy this time as you will never get the moment back, but in a world where downloads are instant, dinners take a minute to warm, and friends are readily available at the touch of an Iphone application it is difficult to imagine having to wait for something that cannot be downloaded at the press of a button or tab (I do not own an iphone nor frequent social networking sites to 'Like' people's updates or decipher vague and general statements that include "Ughh" or "Why can't people just be nice"). We are a culture obsessed with instant gratification. I am sure you can understand  my dilemma wanting to have this somewhat foreign thing that has been resting inside my uterus for 9 months out or at least be able to download some application on my cell phone that helps speed up the process. This I understand is something completely out of my control and cannot be manufactured or delivered to my door step unless I order it from China or possibly Amazon. I have walked up steps, drank cumin tea (not recommended for the faint of stomach), tried jumping jacks (because I heard they can fall right out) to no avail. I have decided to give up and pretty much eat anything within hands reach. Today I went for brunch and had a bite of buttermilk pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes, a Dutch Baby, chicken apple sausage, eggs, and I think a salad and a bite of someones chicken sandwich. The nights for now will continue to be uncomfortable filled with drool, night sweats and constant struggles to literally roll out of bed to frequent the bathroom. I will continue to try home remedies like eating pineapple, papaya, cumin tea, and walking up and down stairs endlessly in hopes of  going into what I heard is quite possibly the most painful experience a woman can ever endure but would venture blindly at the reach of a button if the option existed. Here is a song I would like to share that has nothing to do with labor but my father in law shared this and cannot get the song out of my head and it has eased a little anxiety for the time being. Enjoy! Co-Co Corina (I miss you dearly).