Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oh Snap!

Are we going to see a reemergence of Neo-Soul? Cody Chestnutt thinks so. My Boo Thang is also obsessed with that dude from The Voice Nicolas David so  all signs point to hells yes. Oh Snap!

Monday, November 19, 2012

When I grow up to be a man

My Baby Sophie has already started showing a bit of his personality. I don't know if I should be worried at this point. He definitely knows how to get his point across when he wants food as he spits out his pacifier and grunts loudly demanding food. He also likes to give all his attention to potty time as he silently focuses on pushing out his poop making the most awkward faces imaginable. He totally passes gas with no regard for others around him. When it comes to burping him he completely stiffs up, grunts angrily for us to stop. He sometimes smiles but always on his terms and never on demand as both Boo Thang and I have completely made fools of ourselves jumping around trying to get  one smirk out of him, he usually stares at us blankly.  Baby Sophie has also become more aware of his hands and has started to smack things out of the way he disproves of. I am hoping when he discovers other body parts he respects the social norms. He also has varying grunts, some that tell us he is satisfied, others out of anger and when he is just trying to get a point across and show us who is boss, other grunts sound like he is singing along to a song he only understands. I will attempt to instill respect and values that don't involve hating people based on differences since he himself is a hybrid of differences. I can't wait to see what the future brings for my Baby Sophie I just hope he learns to have some manners.