Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Things new moms can no longer do.

My dearest friends  (I hate you all) recently planned a trip to Cabo San Lucas for one of their bachelorette's and an annual girl trip we try to take. I being recently granted mommy duties was not able to partake in the festivities. I could have begged to go and brought Baby Sophie along and played on the beach but how tacky would that be to bring my new born to a party beach resort along with all my nursing gear, changing pads, baby clothes, teethers, bibs, extra clothes in case he double dirtied the others, toys,blankets, bottles, and cleaners for the bottles. Now I will have to hear about how fabulous the trip was and how great the weather and food was while sitting their nodding and smiling pretending to be happy for them but on the inside fuming with jealousy (praying some one got food poisoning and pooped themselves) . While  they got to be care free running along the sandy beaches of Cabo San Lucas I was at home playing with Baby Sophie and making self baby confessional video's and talking in my baby voice and blaming farts on his grandmother (We find farts way to amusing). I get that I can no longer just go out on a whim or because I feel like it. Baby Sophie has pretty much become the dictator of my life. I have to accept that going out will just have to take some strategic planning and possibly a Power Point presentation to convince the other party to babysit . I am the first of my friends to take on the mommy duties but I will not be the last and when the next one becomes a mother and hopefully by that time my child will be more mobile and can just easily tag along with me I will brag to them about how wonderful it is to just get up and go where the wind blows while they sit there forced to listen tired from lack of sleep, changing poop filled diapers and have vomit on their shoulders but I will continue smiling and laughing about how great life is.  (I am happy you all missed your connecting flight home, Haha!) Love you all. Keak Da Sneak special love to you and hope this time is good to you.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

They get cuter!

Before: Alien Monkey

After: My Love Bug
I was worried at first but Baby Sophie has managed to come out of the alien monkey phase of his life and hoping it only gets better. I never saw myself as one of "those" moms. You know the ones that are totally in love with their babies and go on and on about crap you could care less about but it has happened. I'm still not one of those "those" moms. You know the ones that have become complete jerks and know all the answers to life's questions and know what is best for you and your child  (I hate those self righteous a**holes. Don't let them push you around!). I have however  become a complete maniac, talking to him and answering back in a baby voice. My baby voice sounds like a cross between John Malkovich in 'Of Mice and Men' and Michael Jackson, it's pretty great. I tend to tell strangers random stories about Baby Sophie and it is pretty funny to see them attempt to be remotely interested but I don't care as long as I can shout to the world what a complete crazed mom I have become.  Baby Sophie you complete me!  "Mama, mama",  said Baby Sophie in my John Malkovich tone.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

In the rain

The weather outside is frightful but we have some place to go with crying baby in tote so let it rain, let it rain, let it rain. Hope everyone is enjoying the winter weather or warm weather depending where you are in the world. The current  mood as my leave from work comes to an end is AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I cannot wait to be chained to  by desk and stare at my cube buddy hoping she doesn't catch me reading my gossip columns.  I cannot wait to find out what Brittany and Lindsey have been up to. Their borderline psychosis is a hoot. 

And yes Neo-Funky man was the best Youtube version I could find.