Monday, August 17, 2015

Balancing Act

Bringing up a new baby along with Toddler Sophie is a bit challenging. No one said I had to spread my love so much so it almost reaches the moon. It's tough to see Toddler Sophie's face as I hold Baby Sistoh in my arms. Things are so new for him and the transition seems emotionally tough for us both. Toddler Sophie slept in our bed up until a month before her birth (Don't get on my case mom police). His comfort and warmth and occasional slaps and kicks to the face and stomach are all missed.  He asked his Baba last night, "Where is Mama?" and then answered his own question with, "She is sleeping with Baby Sistoh." My heart ached a bit upon hearing this.  It's all so new for the family so we will continue to spread the love and hope the newness of it all settles. Toddler Sophie Mama is proud of how you are handling this phase at your age and hope to see you and Baby Sistoh fighting over toys an blaming each other on broken items I find in the house, which upon finding I will gasp and probably squeal but try not to hold that against me.