Monday, April 17, 2017

Our House...

It's been a while since my last post and things look a bit different now. We have 1 or possibly 2 new additions to the family. We have a new queen of the house who we will call my Boss Lady and a fresh out of the oven bun, who we think slightly resembles someone looking for their next score, Lil Leroy (2 weeks old)

Things are also looking a bit shaky in the USA. Donald Trump, a privileged con artist who cannot make a coherent tweet let alone a sentence has become the 45th president of the United States.  We will look back at this time with shame and disgust that we allowed such a half wit run the country in his attempt to, "Make America Great Again", AKA  return to White privilege in which separate and equal was all the rage.

Most folks are walking around with the head not in the clouds but rather fixated on their phones/devices and asses.  In which a, "like", "share" or "tweet" about causes has become humanitarian rather than actual work (I can't really complain since I am no longer in the field but definitely strive to be one day). Taking selfies has become so extreme people have fallen to their deaths in attempt for the best selfie shot.  Documenting our lives on social media and following fake idols and idolizing, sexualizing, fantasizing and developing self esteem issues is the thing. We are striving for a false perfection projected and forced fed to us daily.  I can't seem to focus or spend quality time without wanting to like, share or get some sort of validation for my personal accomplishment which I have to say aren't that fucking special.

Kid Sophie, Boss Lady and Lil Leroy have kept me in check and focused on what really matters, making them food and changing their diapers, hell yes! My heart is full and looking at those little boogers makes me filled with hope or at least praying that their future will  somehow be filled with acceptance of all people from all walks of life and they can go anywhere without feeling like an "Other".  God Bless America and the whole damn world.