Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Here comes Santa Claus

Tis the season to be jolly, fa ra ra ra ra, ra ra ra ra. I always thought the idea of an elderly over weight white man sneaking into the chimney after midnight to steal your child's cookies was a bit pedophile like and teaching our children that is OK to invite strangers in our home after midnight as long as they were dressed like a Super Hero or a flamboyantly dressed elderly white man was sending the wrong message but I am no expert. Corporations have long Hijacked the Christmas meaning and replaced Jesus with elves, reindeer, and a coke drinking Santa. They have also brainwashed us into making some questionable decisions, like letting your child sit on a strange man's lap asking him to provide them with gifts if they promise not to be naughty. This time of year you are bombarded with images of smiling family's gathering around the now "Holiday Tree" and singing about Yuletides and participating in all sorts of activities involving all things sparkly. The actual meaning of Christmas is lost in translation and in some cases taken out all together in order for big corporations to include our diverse population in the light festival which involves you spending yourself and your family into more debt.  I was in Karachi, Pakistan last year during this time which is a predominantly Muslim country but corporations are not about excluding the masses but including them as the new Mega Mall was decorated with reindeer displays and pictures with Pakistani Santa throughout (and who says corporations aren't people). I will be making a batch of cookies and leaving my door unlocked this year.  Happy Holidays and remember Santa loves you! 

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