Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Don't be chasing that dolla.

I sometimes have dreams of one day owning a mansion and maybe a small monkey.  Although I boast about simplifying your life I sometimes cannot help trying to keep up with the Jones' or at least achieving that ultimate goal of having it all. I am not sure what having it all really means or when I have reached it. Is there some sort of finish line you cross when you get  there? Some auntie who is known for scrutinizing everything waiting there with a smile and accolades? Or maybe a self satisfying smug and moment of Aha. I have been caught up with working hard lately and maybe not enjoying my life enough, I usually put off relaxing and taking a moment for the next day. I have also noticed lately I look a bit shabby and tired, bags so large I look Raccoonish. My Boo Thang being the loving life partner that he is told me I looked homeless (Not that all homeless people look tired and run down and yes why wouldn't they, they are f***ing homeless for god sake they have larger issues to worry about). I know I get all preachy at times and shell out generic phrases that include, live for today and enjoy life but I often forget to enjoy my own and don't take a moment to smell the poop on the sidewalk our neighbors dog left behind (Damn you Bebe!, the neighbors Poodle). Thanks Little Dragon for reminding us that happiness does not revolve on that all mighty dolla. 

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