Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Planned Attack

All the recent presidential arguments about a woman's reproductive system has me a bit worried that we can actually revert to a time which access to women specific health care was illegal. The argument to life seems to be the main issue but why defund a program like Planned Parent Hood that has not only provided women education on preventive services but also access to health care that don't only include legal abortions (this is only a minor service they provide) but rather regular check ups and screenings for STI's. While we like to think everyone can afford and has access to a regular doctor but considering our economy is in the dumps and even the middle class has fallen into a depression, health care has become to expensive and far reaching for many. Women's bodies are special in the sense we can re-produce life and also take it by forcing a men to actually crash their car turning their head to catch a glimpse of it. We have to take care of this god given gift and seek professional maintenance. It is shameful that today women are still under attack by conservative groups (mostly men) who feel they have the right to make decisions over issues they are so far removed from. Domestic violence, sexual assault, being treated as 2nd class citizens is still such a major issue all over the world yet we continue to turn a blind eye. Hearing Newt Gingerich and Mitt Romney make comments about being pro-life and supporting his decision even in instances of rape and incest shows how out of touch they are with real issues plaguing women all over the world. At one time I worked in an organization for sexual assault one of the survivors was a young girl who was raped by her father and she bore his child. She was not aware organizations like Planned Parent Hood existed as she was new to the US and abortions where she was from were illegal. She sought our services for on going therapy for this traumatic situation she would have to live with for the rest of her life. I wonder what Newt would say if he ever met her. To deny women access to basic screenings and preventative services would force us back into the dark ages when women did their own home procedures and risked infection and even death. We cannot go back to this time nor can we support groups who seek to take the rights of women away.

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