Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Welcoming Baby

So it finally happened, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. For now we will call him Baby Sophie. While I desperately wanted Baby Sophie to come and pretty much tried all home remedies with the exception of castor oil (the poop remedy) I had no clue how difficult the actual labor process could and would be for me. In total 38 hours of labor, two hours of pushing and off I went to get a c-section. A total of four days in the hospital which actually worked out since the nurses were there to help and guide us on the path to parenthood.  The first night home Baby Sophie woke up every hour on the hour and the next day slept in three hour increments and thought we were home free. Last night he decided to be a real jerk. He was grunting, crying and plunging towards his food and even had the nerve to pee towards me and on himself (No manners on this kid). He  made all sorts of poop faces and some we recorded for him to witness later in life. He refused to sleep or eat enough to put him back to sleep. Throughout this ordeal he decided to give us the stank eye, pirate eye, and just awkward dirty looks with no smiles or acknowledgment of us waiting on him hand and foot, what a donkeys behind. Who knew infants could be so selfish. As I watch him sleep so peacefully all I can think of is how this little terror kept me up all night with no sleep and how I wish I could just sleep as he does without a care in the world, pooping, eating, and being held with love, care, and tenderness. Welcome Baby Sophie, Mama and Baba love you.  

The Stank Eye


  1. When he starts to give you a hard time later in life, have him read this post. I'm sure he will find it very interesting lol. Enjoy the ride!

  2. Lucky bastard!! He obviously knows he is the first baby and is literally milking it to the last drop! Have baby Sophie #2, that'll put him in his place ;)

  3. Cannot even think about #2 but yes I see what you mean. Need to teach this little man a lesson even though he is to young to remember it.

  4. Wow congratulations! I haven't spoken to you in awhile but it looks like you're doing great.

    1. Justin! Yes things are great. Got knocked up and now have this wonderful little person around all the time to annoy me, make me smile, and laugh and think what the hell did I just get myself into. I hope all is well. Come back to Bay! Oakland misses you.
