Monday, June 6, 2011

Wave Hello

I remember being dropped off in high school by my mother. During this period of your life you feel overwhelmed with the need to fit in.  To avoid any embarrassing moments I would make my mother park about two blocks away so that I didn't have to be seen being dropped off by her. My mother usually agreed to drop me off a block or two away but then proceed to follow-me slowly down the block.  She would wait till I got in the front of the school and wave at me and yell out the most random things. Some of which included, "You forgot to flush the toilette and left your (insert expletive) in there".  I felt mortified walking up the school steps.   My uncle Teddy often dropped me off but refused to let me out a block away. Teddy often dressed in a silk robe and slippers smoking a cigar was highly visible from the car window. He sometimes had car trouble and had to get out to check the car showing everyone his silk robe and slippers. He sometimes yelled at kids walking slowly to get the eff out of his way or he would stick his foot in their you know what. No one really talked to me at school and I was known as the shy girl who probably liked other girls. This made the whole process easier since no one really paid attention to me. I thought I'd share this article about quite possibly the most awesome parent in the world.

I'll always love my Mama and of course Uncle Teddy, RIP.

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