Monday, September 12, 2011


So a few weeks ago I decided to leave the virtual world of Facebook.  I thought this process would be easy. I barley talk to any of the people on there and really only have about 4 real life friends. I mean who am I kidding pretending to be friends with 200 people. I felt a bit stalker-ish roaming through the pages of people I haven't spoken to or seen for years yet manage to have all access to their social life. I would get random updates on where they have last been and pictures of them seeming to have a blast or at least pretending to. This whole virtual world is so hard to keep pace with. It felt like high school all over again, competing to be kings and queens of the school, a popularity contest of sorts and I was the girl that ate lunch in the girls locker room. I know this virtual space is a great way to keep in contact with loved ones and close friends as well but find them to self promoting and this made me feel a bit inadequate at times.  They also take away all human contact in a real way. I notice all around me people fiddling with their phones, laptops, Ipads, etc, to afraid of interaction with the person next to them. It seems people would rather Facebook a hello rather then actually saying it to a person 5 feet away. I found myself Facebooking congrats on momentous events and reached the last straw when I saw a friend post a family member's passing and people selecting the "Like" button. I still manage to peek at the profiles through my Boo Thangs Facebook but hope to ease my way out of the virtual nightmare at least for the time being. I am sure I will be on some social networking site in no time posting pictures of how more amazing my life is than yours but until then...

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