Wednesday, June 6, 2012

When Zombies Attack!

In wake of the new zombie apocalypse going on in Miami when another man thought he was probably a lion, tiger or bear during his drug induced hallucination he decided what would these animals do? I know take their clothes off and start chewing off your druggie friends face. The aftermath has produced many news articles and references to films highlighting juvenile fantasies of fighting off zombies to save the human race. Here is a video that has quickly become a favorite. It's pretty much a prank that eventually does not go so well for the prankster. Kids now a days especially school yard kids can handle zombies, since they kill enough in video games. If I ever encountered a zombie my tactic was always pretending I was a zombie myself to blend in. Watch out for those zombies especially the ones carrying a television set in a shopping cart asking you if you want to buy it for $2.

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