Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Boo Thang

Boo Thang is a simple yet complicated man. He loves strong and hates just as strongly. I sometimes cannot believe how I stumbled upon such a wonderful man who yes thinks I am crazy and often tells me so yet still decided to love me and all my flaws and baggage. One of our first encounters he told me he was half French (a lie) and very sensitive and in tune with his man feelings (also a lie). I later found this out when I tried to make him watch Beaches and also ask about his French background to which he replied "Oh you believed that". He just thought French and Pakistani was more intriguing. I was pretty taken back by that statement since our natural instinct is to believe what a stranger at the time tells us to be true when they are making an introduction. I did think the 'in touch with his feelings' part was a bit overboard at the time. I had to basically back peddle to all my friends about the French part since I was bragging about having some connection to France (I hate the French). What I admire about Boo Thang is his ability to be so calm and relaxed when I am running around like a mad woman about situations that I have no control over such as turning back time. When I wake up late for work (not often I got perfect attendance for the year. Yes I am a complete suck up and ass kisser) and go in to a complete panic and his response is to calm the F-down. It kind of hurts my feelings but is pretty much the snap back to reality check I need at the time. Boo Thang also appreciates his family. I come from what you already know if you read this blog a very dysfunctional family and Boo Thang gets that but is sometimes baffled by the way we treat each other since his family actually gives a sh**. He makes sure to check in with his parents and they also check up on him. He Skypes with them so they can see their grandchild while my family thinks Skype is some sort of military aircraft. Boo Thang is pretty much a mans man and does not take crap from people or let others boss him around (I often wish he let me boss him around). He never raises his voice to get a point across but somehow can convey his anger or frustration with his eyes. He can enjoy the moment without the need to capture it with a photo or post about it on some social networking site. Boo Thang often passes gas after professing his love for me. He enjoys a healthy portioned burrito with quality meat, perfectly toasted toast and baked breads. He's a man with simple request and routine. He just needs his tea first, a smoke, potty time and coffee and toast after and I respect that and learning I need to yield to this routine otherwise both our day is ruined. Our love was truly tested when we experienced the birth of Baby Sophie who was such a horses ass during the birthing process but when Boo Thang looked at his son for the first time he leaned over and kissed me in admiration. I guess you can say I'm the luckiest gal on the block. Love you Boo Thang my baby daddy. 

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