Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A whole lot.

Today I went for an evening stroll with Boo Thang and Baby Sophie. We decided we wanted boba tea (Tapioca drinks) and when we got there we realized we were 5 cents short as the place only takes cash. I decided I would still go in line and try to see if they would have pity on me and turns out the girl at the counter had none for leeches and smiled politely and said sorry (damn it). My somewhat introverted nature forced me to walk out red face and tell Boo Thang I was defeated and couldn't beg for a 5 cent discount. I was determined to walk the streets and look for dropped change. I figured people just throw away pennies and could easily find 5 of them. Boo Thang entertained the idea for about 10 seconds and then realized I was just being a crazy person. We went to the neighboring boba tea place and paid an additional 50 cents to use the debit machine. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Boba at last. As we walked with our tea's in hand we see the local bakery closing up shop and Boo Thang thought he could try his hand on getting a discount on Taro Buns (Sweet potato bread) and of course the gentleman behind the counter gives him two for the price of one and even greets us Islamic-ally, "Asalammu Alaikum" the elderly Chinese man states and once again I felt defeated by Boo Thang's natural charisma.  Boo Thang seems to have his way with people and they usually respond. I use to think I had that ability until I was put in my place. We also had a free day from Baby Sophie. I convinced my cousin to watch him for the day while we celebrated the life of my Boo Thang.  We decided to get massages the old cheap Chinese style where they basically punch the living crap out of you and elbow you in the spine.  After our fight club session we went to see a movie. This was probaby wasn't the best choice after being punched in the spine but it was an important film to see, "Fruitvale Station", quite possibly one of the most important movies of our generation and touches on our own embedded prejudices. This film has a real sense of authenticity and captures the Baydesterian (Bay area born and raised-forget all you implants not from the YAY) way of life not limited to "Going Dumb" in a public space. I cried like a baby and Boo Thang pretended he didn't but I think I saw some tears. Oscar Grant will always be remembered. After being beat up by both massages and a film we ended the night with a relaxing dinner. We were exhausted from a day away from Baby Sophie. Did we miss him, No. We actually planned our next day where just the two of us can roam the streets aimlessly looking for a good time as we once did.

Foot Note: Going Dumb: dancing in a spastic like motion and shaking your head. Best done in public spaces at random. For optimal results do this anytime a Mack Dre song is played. RIP Mac Dre. 

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