Friday, January 10, 2014

Date Night.

Another year has passed and Baby Sophie has become an official person with wants and needs and grunts have turned into full fledged tantrums (I cannot wait till he can understand that mama don't play that).  Boo Thang and I are trying to remind ourselves that we are people outside of Baby Sophie and have decided to date again. First date went pretty smoothly. We went out for sushi and throughout dinner gazed into each other's eyes and laughed at jokes that weren't funny, didn't tell each other when we had something stuck in our teeth, and I twisted my hair a lot with my fingers, typical dating stuff. Boo Thang paid the bill like a gentleman (unlike the first time where we actually shared  dish, such a cheap-o).We grabbed some hot tea after and talked about our hopes and dreams, which we hadn't spoke of in sometime. We revealed new feelings we hadn't shared yet and a sense of excitement and butterflies all came back. We walked in the cold night holding each other's hands for warmth and I even allowed for kiss from my handsome suitor (I'm such a cheap date).  It was a perfect night and just the 2 hour break we needed. We even made plans to do it again. I am still waiting for the call for the second date. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed him so soon. I will just wait by the phone for the call. I am pretty sure he will call, right?

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