Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Serenity Now!

I have yet again decided to leave my job. I placed in my notice and again somehow got convinced to extend it a month longer. I can't stop being the nice guy, it is really hard to do when your boss is so freaking nice and wants your help. Fudge, I really need to work on being more of an assertive anus. Those guys really know how to get things done and usually have the best parking spots and win at life. In celebration of my impending departure from work Boo Thang and I decided to spend some time together as a family and take Baby Sophie to his first day at the beach (I know we live pretty close and have never taken him, we are assholes). Baby Sophie enjoyed it so much he decided to eat the beach as well, but I don't think he liked the taste of it, mostly because there was probably seagull poop blended in. As we walked along the pier in Santa Cruz we realized we don't have to many moments where we don't feel rushed or need to have to complete some task on our To Do List. These rare moments are often times over shadowed by our own need to do more and achieve more. Why the need to do more or look for more? (Not to be confused w/ wanting to save the world or be the best damn mommy around) This overwhelming pressure to over achieve really has me wanting to give up totally because the idea of doing so much is just exhausting. I can't be a "fashionista' (fuck that word), the best cook, best worker, best wife, best mother all at once. I have to stop living with this idea we can have it all because frankly you selfish jerk you cannot. There has to be a compromise and allow ourselves to fail. And sometimes failure can be a relief that we don't have to take yet another damn project. I really enjoyed this moment of calm and sun shining on my face and thought for just a moment life is so good when allowing yourself to do nothing and letting bird poop get all over you without feeling the need clean it up straight away. Life is good my friend.

Monday, April 21, 2014

A Pop of colour.

I needed to change things up a bit and after months of searching for a duvet I found one I love and doesn't cost a fortune ($40). It's bright, fresh and at least looks clean (Thank you TJ Max).  And after much debate with Boo Thang, I finally gave in and painted the side tables yellow. I reluctantly complimented his style choice and pretty much said it was because of me it turned out nice and it was me who implied the colour which gave him the idea to even suggest it. Thanks Boo Thang.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Winter is done and spring has come. Life decisions are a constant and choosing the right detergent and shoe polish free bread is all so daunting while in the aisle at Target. My brain weighs the pros and cons and I say "Fuck it, A little shoe polish never hurt anyone right?". I recently joined Instagram and my whole world has been turned upside down by this massive need of self exploitation or just showing off stuff in different hues. I am also guilty of it, mostly of posting Baby Sophie and less booty shots that seem to be all the rage. When did we all suddenly grow an extra super human butt and what is with the obsession with the need to always show it? We might as well walk around backwards as it seems that is what we are really trying to make the first impression with, "Hi this is my ass her name is Lola nice to make your acquaintance". I think I am just bitter since even after birth I seem to be shaped like a 13 year old boy. I guess being on social media does help me keep up with the world otherwise I am out there in the world enjoying life and fresh air and really who has time for that. I have recently been debating to leave work again and instead got a promotion that required more work, YAY for me! I keep trying to screw up but yet keep getting handed more responsibilities. I will continue my attempt at incompetence and in the meantime find what it is I am supposed to do with the rest of my life. I tried cooking, writing, dancing and nothing seems to stick if I am not immediately successful. I guess I am just searching for instant gratification because I can't be bothered to work at being good at something, it takes to much effort. This whole self reflection thing is really getting on my nerves, fuck you conscious! I will continue to enjoy spring, Boo Thang and Baby Sophie and avoid eye contact with strangers and also work on figuring out what makes me happy but keeping in mind BILLS, BILLS, BILLS. Beyonce can you pay mine?

 (Also RIP Ultimate Warrior. I will forever miss your flamboyant neon briefs and semi Native American face paint.)