Thursday, July 13, 2017

You ate all the cookies?

Lately in trying to keep myself from losing my stool, I have been trying to do everything everyone has ever told me to do under stress, breathe, count to 10, leave the room, leave the house, take a walk, punch a pillow or a person, but none of these things ever seem to work. Kid Sophie has been spitting some knowledge I didn't know young kids could have at this age. His perspective on life is unbiased and pure. He say's whatever he wants unfiltered. I will say, when he tells me I have nose hair it does make me feel like the shy 12 year old middle school nerd girl again. Today he almost ate a small packet of cookies and my natural reaction was to overreact, I gasped "You ate almost all the cookies" I didn't want him to spoil his dinner or worse rot his teeth. He simply replied, "Mom it's OK there will be more cookies" And just like that my anger turned into a little laughter and also perspective.
He was right in so many ways and on so many levels.

I look at the world with all this complexity and hurdles I must get through but to Kid Sophie it's simple if one thing doesn't work out or finishes there will be more to come. It doesn't have be as complicated as I currently see it. But the challenge is how do I adopt this into my life unfiltered and unbiased from others.  Kid Sophie allows himself to feel the anger, hurt and laughter and I need to allow him to explore these more so that he can become better at understanding himself, others and the world around him. He continues to say calming words to his parents under distress that include, "Take a deep breathe", "It's going to be OK", and my favorite,"Mom, mom, please stop you are making my brain hurt". These all speak to my overreaction to adversities and life experiences. I just have to keep reminding myself that yes stool happens and the goal is to make sure I remind myself that I am fortunate that in life more cookies are to come, they may not be the ones I'm use to or not as big and even broken into pieces but I am sure I will still eat then and they will be just as delicious.

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