Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Taco Tuesday!

Taco Tuesday at Poncho Villa Taqueria in San Mateo with my girl Jaya the Playa yesterday and we could not stop eating the freshly made salsa's.  The taco's were fresh and the meat tender.  Our Horchata had just the right amount of cinnamon and sugar. I could barely concentrate on our catch up session as I was to preoccupied with my chips and orange garlic chili salsa. I think she felt the same way because every time I would try and talk  she would not respond and point at her taco and sauce Jodi Foster style in film Nell. The orange garlic chili salsa was the boss I could down that stuff with a straw. We were also pleasantly surprised when two older gentlemen took out their guitars and started serenading the crowd Mexican style.  Taco Tuesday. Arriba!

Friday, May 20, 2011


'Macho Man' Randy Savage has passed away today and he will be missed. As a child I would often imitate his wrestling moves and yell "Ooh Yeah Brother". I would dream of one day finding love as he did with Elizabeth, who was his wrestling manager and wife. She often made appearances on WWF (Now WWE). She would usually be in tears and often get hit with a chair or something. She was later was found dead in another professional wrestlers house, the evil Lex Luger.  I have four brothers who had quite an addiction to wrestling. Being the only outcast I was forced to join by watching and even participating in the brutal match ups. I would always be matched with my younger brother who's wrestling name "Number One God" would often change to "Number Two God" after he loss a match. My older brother who went by "Two Won D" would yell "Number Two God" just to taunt him. The younger one later found out he was merely mortal with no actual god like powers. I went by "Wet Bag", at least I thought that was my name at the time.  My signature move would involve wetting a plastic bag jumping off anything high and smacking my opponent with the water soaked bag until they gave up.  I later found out my real wrestling name that was given by my older brother "Two Won D" and it was after I had spent two years in Mexico. Let's just say I misinterpreted the name there was no bag in the name but back. Macho Man, Jake the Snake, Hulk Hogan, Rowdy Roddy Piper (My personal fave. I think it's because he was the only one in a skirt and I could relate to that) and Jimmy Super Fly Snuka.  These are all names that if you mention I go back to my wrestling mode so don't be surprised by the wet plastic bag across the face in this event. RIP Randy Savage you will be missed. Ooh Yeah!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Want to go back

Monterey with the ladies 2009? Enjoyed hiding from Sumaya as she slept peacefully on a bench.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cinco de Mayo!

So the other day I finally got to see Fleet Foxes perform at one of the most beautiful venues in the bay, The Fox Theater.  We started the day by driving up to Oakland and meeting up with my friends T-Dizzle and Tyrone. Tina brought her dog Alex who decided to poop every 5 minutes or so in the most random places.  We walked up and down Jack London Square.  It seemed like a ghost town. There was no one in sight on a beautiful Thursday afternoon. We stumbled upon the best little bakery called Miette  It's a bit pretentious but I can't help it the goodies there are so dang irresistible. I  kept talking about how great they are as we walked in the store and in Francis fashion walked right back out and decided I didn't want anything. About 10 seconds later I walked back in and grabbed four macaroon cookies. I told everyone that I was going to save them for later and then 30 seconds later took them out and started eating them.  After we walked to get some grub at Everett and Jones and the lemonade could not be any better.  I was getting nostalgic thinking of times I use to come to the area with friends in college. After dinner we parted ways with T-Dizzle and Tyrone and the ever pooping Alex and headed for the Fox Theater.  The line was filled with what looked like pubescent kids dressed in their hipster attire. I felt pretty old until I saw a couple who was easily over the age of 50. The concert began with an opening number appropriately entitled Montezuma. All and all Cinco De Mayo was perfect filled with BBQ, French cookies, and of course the much anticipated Fleet Foxes.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


My Boo Thang has a thing for making up pet names and instead of calling me one or the other he decides to combine them all to create none other than the ultimate pet name. First it started small, Bunky. Combining a bear and monkey. This was cute at first until he saw a Chihuahua that reminded him of me, assuming we are both small and Mexican. The name grew to Chabunky. So it took me some time to get use to this. Recently we were watching a television show in which a skunk made an appearance. He turned to me and the laughing ensued.  I wont go into details but the name grew. It's now Chabunkaskunk. I am sure he must think since Mexican names are usually long the pet names should be as well. Either way I can dig it.