Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cinco de Mayo!

So the other day I finally got to see Fleet Foxes perform at one of the most beautiful venues in the bay, The Fox Theater.  We started the day by driving up to Oakland and meeting up with my friends T-Dizzle and Tyrone. Tina brought her dog Alex who decided to poop every 5 minutes or so in the most random places.  We walked up and down Jack London Square.  It seemed like a ghost town. There was no one in sight on a beautiful Thursday afternoon. We stumbled upon the best little bakery called Miette  It's a bit pretentious but I can't help it the goodies there are so dang irresistible. I  kept talking about how great they are as we walked in the store and in Francis fashion walked right back out and decided I didn't want anything. About 10 seconds later I walked back in and grabbed four macaroon cookies. I told everyone that I was going to save them for later and then 30 seconds later took them out and started eating them.  After we walked to get some grub at Everett and Jones and the lemonade could not be any better.  I was getting nostalgic thinking of times I use to come to the area with friends in college. After dinner we parted ways with T-Dizzle and Tyrone and the ever pooping Alex and headed for the Fox Theater.  The line was filled with what looked like pubescent kids dressed in their hipster attire. I felt pretty old until I saw a couple who was easily over the age of 50. The concert began with an opening number appropriately entitled Montezuma. All and all Cinco De Mayo was perfect filled with BBQ, French cookies, and of course the much anticipated Fleet Foxes.

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