Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm Mexican

So I still don't think this tops Indian Thriller but it comes pretty close with the high pitched Michael Jackson voice telling his girlfriend not to leave and the shaky camera work that somewhat resembles someones wedding video (You know the one couples force you to watch after being married and you sit there with a plastered smile on your face the entire time because if you attempt another expression it may come off rude or questionable). What is most questionable about this video lead singer Angel hanging out in what looks like a cheap motel staring longingly out the window as his band mates play a game of cards. Los Temerarios were the quintessential Mexican romantic band of the 80's and early 90's and anyone who speaks any language knows how awesome 80's love ballads were. I use to dream of one day dancing with my significant other (Boo Thang-I didn't know him yet) to this song. What is most sad is after Gustavo Angel pours his heart out by singing at what seems to be a high school dance it turns out she didn't truly love him as she disappears from the dance floor and he his left to wipe his single tear. (Buddha since I am sure you are one of few who read this blog ask Claudia about this song I am sure she knows what's up) All others thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


My brother Cream Puff and I would watch Indian music videos growing up on the local access station Saturday mornings and never knew what they were singing about but often just sang what the words sounded like in English as I we danced about the one room we had at the Flags (remember there was 40 flags). This video made on YouTube by Buffalax pretty much sums up what we thought all along. Also for those of you who worked with me at the rape crisis center many years ago also know this video all to well as it helped  relieve some anxiety and stress after many stressful meetings and encounters with survivors. I pissed off a few of my Desi friends when I showed them this video years ago and I would laugh out loud hysterically and in response they would send me Telenovelas (Spanish Soap Operas), but I would say nothing beats Indian Superman below:

Or Indian Thriller:

Top That!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

BBQ Hunt

So I have been browsing pictures of local and not so local BBQ joints for the past hour. I felt guilty as I searched endlessly for pictures of succulent ribs, glistening chicken, and creamy potato salad. I even decided to text my friends as a form of intervention to stop compulsively looking at pictures of BBQ.  I have been wanting beef ribs, chicken, mac and cheese and potato salad. The kind of potato salad with enough  mayo that my potato salad actually drips through my fork. I want to get grease on my hands and BBQ sauce on my face, so when Boo Thang looks at me he points and laughs but I will be too busy with my ribs to care to even wipe my face. I need ribs now! Yes I am expecting but I wouldn't consider this one of those cravings expecting moms have just a usual craving and obsession I get from time time.

Boo Thang if you are reading this you know what to do!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


The following email was sent to some friends of mine and is also a warning to all friends who may be neglecting their duties to assist an expecting mother. 

Hey Ladies,

I also wanted to add I would like more acknowledgment from S,

S. S. (yes I said you) and M. Yes I am requesting it! I am
pregnant and a little text checking in would be nice from time to
time. IDK, "You need anything?", "How fat have you gotten?"  "How are
you?" "You need help pulling up your pants?" I don't ask for much just
help with my pants. You know my response will naturally be, "I am
fine" but sometimes I just need a hug or a smiley face text.  I hope
this email serves as a warning to you all! I will bite your hand off
because I am constantly hungry! Quick update the baby is now kicking
me from the inside! Yeah! I think. Just miss you guys and cannot wait
for the celebrations.

This email got me immediate responses . So next time you feel a little neglected a little reminder threatening to bite your friends hand may do the trick.