Thursday, May 3, 2012


The following email was sent to some friends of mine and is also a warning to all friends who may be neglecting their duties to assist an expecting mother. 

Hey Ladies,

I also wanted to add I would like more acknowledgment from S,

S. S. (yes I said you) and M. Yes I am requesting it! I am
pregnant and a little text checking in would be nice from time to
time. IDK, "You need anything?", "How fat have you gotten?"  "How are
you?" "You need help pulling up your pants?" I don't ask for much just
help with my pants. You know my response will naturally be, "I am
fine" but sometimes I just need a hug or a smiley face text.  I hope
this email serves as a warning to you all! I will bite your hand off
because I am constantly hungry! Quick update the baby is now kicking
me from the inside! Yeah! I think. Just miss you guys and cannot wait
for the celebrations.

This email got me immediate responses . So next time you feel a little neglected a little reminder threatening to bite your friends hand may do the trick.  


  1. I wish I had seen this BEFORE texting you to check in! I would have offered to help with the pants! ;)

  2. So glad I wasn't on that list! ;)

  3. You are def. not on that list but you still need to come over or do dinner soon b/c I can always update the list ;) Miss ya face Kiki!

  4. That email scared me and made me laugh at the same time...weirdest feeling I have experienced. Kinda like when my mom gave me the "wait til we get home look" lol. luv yaaa and I'm being an insomniac so u will have crap to read in the morning lol.

  5. Yeah--even though you are anonymous I think I know who this is S.S. I love you and didn't mean to scold you just wanted to remind you, hehe.
