Thursday, April 28, 2011

Helplessness Blues

So I am going to see Fleet Foxes perform next Thursday and I could not be more excited. When I hear this song I think of something I told my Boo Thang about how I wanted my life to be when I "grow up" (I am almost 30). I said I wanted to live in the French country side and he would work in construction and I would be a school teacher teaching all the French kids broken English. They will learn all the street slang from Richmond CA, such as, "putting in work", which apparently doesn't mean going to a job or "finna" and lets not forget "smerkish". He would drop me off at work on his moped and I would walk back home and pick up some fresh bread everyday from the local market. He would grab some fresh flowers he saw on his way home, most likely picked from the neighbor’s garden. We would fall in line with the stereotypical masculine and feminine roles. I would laugh at all his jokes and not make fun of him when he uses words in the wrong context (men hate when you do that especially if you're a girl). We would take walks after dinner, come home have some soothing tea by the fire (there is a fire going during all seasons) and have music in the background.  As you probably already noticed I have given this fantasy a lot of thought. The point is I wanted my life to be simple, a functioning cog working towards something beyond me.

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