Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy the World


There is a start of a revolution in the air, outside major cities and small towns all across the US many are voicing their frustration with the status quo. While the message may not be as clear as some would like there is definitely a consensus that the distribution of wealth is disproportionally owned by the top 1 percent. The media has not given much validity to the movement and have dismissed it as a chaotic nuisance of college grads ungratefully complaining about not being able to get handouts. This falsehood of the American Dream has now come into light and many are starting to realize this dream was only set up for some to attain and many to fail to obtain. The middle class has worked so hard to attain this dream and have been forced into massive debts keeping up with the Joneses.  The issue is the Joneses are big banks and corporations selling the middle class products and forcing them to buy it on borrowed money. This relationship was bound to shatter since many loss their jobs and the ability to have this life was no longer attainable. The poor of the world have always suffered and this just only makes it that much harder to survive. Not only are these occupiers trying to shed light on a broken system but also reveal how much control the government and corporations have on us. Michele Foucault's theory of power and self discipline has come to fruition as bodies of institutions have created a "Big Brother" situation and we are so fearful of going outside the lines we now police ourselves. We have become a fickle society waiting for the next sensationalized story or headline and so consumed by consuming we have become blinded by the control and power institutions have over us and what information is shared. When we try to complain or voice dissatisfaction we are faced with bureaucratic bodies set in place to keep us from obtaining real change. My professor at Berkeley (Yes I gloated a little) Michael Burawoy a respected sociologist committed to these matters once explained that race and religious differences are a diversion for the masses to the larger issue of socioeconomic disenfranchisement and if this came to light will be a huge problem for the powers that be.  I support any movement set in place to help eradicate inequality. Keep on pushing brothers and sisters. 


  1. whats happening is:

    "Profits are being privatized while debts are being socialized."
